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One to One Offerings 


In Person Therapies 

Welcome to Energy Alchemy in Person, My name is Charlene and I am an Energy and Sound Healer with over 22 years of experience in Holistic Therapies.​

I am able to connect with my Higher Self Valkarin, Angelic Guides, Ascended Masters and beings of light to journey with you to bring about deep transformation on many levels past and present  Together we can bring about balance, harmony and a deeper connection to your own inner power.  Whether you are coming for deep healing, relaxation, ascension support or in need of guidance I am here to help you step into your divinity. 

Book an Appointment

In person Sessions Bookable here 

Should you need any assistance please contact


In person bookings Caldy, Wirral 

(Different locations available worldwide on request)

Price List and Offerings 

Divine Harmony Full Body Healing Journey

This journey is all about deep healing a recalibration of the physical and energetic bodies, combining lymphatic drainage, fascia release, body massage and energy and sound healing for releasing old emotions stored within the bodies memory. Each practice is designed to peel back the layers of stress and trauma that accumulates over time, allowing for a profound reset at both cellular and energetic levels.

1hour 30 £90 

Energy Alchemy

Energy Alchemy is a unique channelled healing session bespoke to you, working with the Ascended Masters and Archangel's Charlene will use a combination of intuitive healing, body scanning and holistic modalities to unlock your divine potential 
Can assist with pain relief, chronic illness , bereavement, stress reduction, realigning the energy bodies, repeating patterns, anxiety, deeper connection with Higher Self, and regaining own personal power.

1 hour £68

1hour 30 £88

Celestial Goddess Crystal Healing Facial.

The ultimate in relaxation and personal ritual , this celestial crystal healing facial includes carefully selected crystals to restore vitality and balance, a back massage, deep cleanse , exfoliation , blue lotus facial massage, energy healing and crystal Gua Sha and roller massage all finished off with a treatment mask and moisturiser. 

1hour 15 £68

Sound Healing Journey 

Take a journey through the cosmos with this powerful frequency healing session as you experience the magic of crystalline singing bowls, planetary gongs, tuning forks and shamanic drums to provide a truly transformative journey, bringing about deep inner peace and equilibrium.

1 hour £68

Isis Blue Lotus Temple Journey 

A dedication to your own healing Journey
Taking a ritual journey with Goddess Isis as we begin with a blue lotus tea ceremony, allowing and opening and deepening of your own connection to source, we will take a guided meditation journey to Isis's temple of healing on the Nile to receive a powerful Blue Lotus and Ankh activation. 
This powerful journey is all about reclaiming your power and connecting you to the golden energies of the goddesses. 
Includes Sound & Sekhem Healing.

1hour 15 £77

Sacred Reflexology

Reflexology combined with Energy Healing
Using ancient techniques and pressure points reflexology, works on the entire body bringing about balance and
*Deep relaxation
*Lymph drainage / Oedema
*Boosting energy levels
*Painful & irregular periods
*Migraine sufferers
*Stress & anxiety
*Long term illness
*Chronic Fatigue
*Supporting the body through pregnancy.

1 hour £68

Goddess Aphrodite Rose & Jasmine Back Massage with Sound Healing 

Immerse yourself in the divine energy of Goddess Athena as you receive a luxurious rose and jasmine back massage. Feel the tension melt away as the soothing scents of the flowers envelop you in a sense of peace and relaxation.
To deepen your experience, let the sound healing vibrations wash over you, harmonizing your body, mind, and spirit. Allow the healing frequencies to restore balance and vitality to your being, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and uplifted.

1 hour £68

"Resonant Souls" A Couples Healing Journey.

This beautiful journey can be enjoyed with a loved one or a friend , its a chance to cosy down , rest and receive the magic of the sound bowls and gongs.
Allowing the healing frequencies to surround you both in love & magic.

1 hour 15 £80

"Sparkling Spirits"  Children's Reiki and Crystal Healing.

A gentle healing approach to nurture and support children. 
Ideal for children and teenagers suffering from anxiety , stress , not sleeping , recovering from trauma , the loss of a loved one or just in need of some relaxation and balance. 
Also available in group and school settings. 

40 minutes £40

Sekhem Egyptian Healing 

Sekhem Healing harnessing the golden ray energies , this transformative high vibrational healing taps into the universal life force energy open to us all, empowering clearing and revitalizing the body. 
promoting deep physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

40 minutes £55

Angelic Temple of Heart Healing 

Embark on a profound heart healing journey with Archangel Chamuel, the angel of love and compassion. In this transformative session, we invite you to explore the depths of your heart as we navigate through times of difficulty, loss, or the breakdown of relationships.

Allow yourself to find solace and support as Archangel Chamuel's loving presence surrounds you. Together, we will gently release any pain, hurt, or unresolved emotions that weigh heavy on your heart., Archangel Chamuel will guide you towards a place of healing and inner peace.

Through this journey, we will uncover the lessons and blessings hidden within challenging times, allowing you to embrace personal growth and transformation. Archangel Chamuel will provide unwavering support as you navigate through the healing process, empowering you to find forgiveness, let go, and open your heart to new possibilities.

1 Hour £68

"Hathor's Sanctuary" Private Retreats and Sound Healing Journeys 

Private Retreats Available for Private and Cooperate Wellness Events. 

Can include Sound Journeys, Kundalini Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Reiki, Sacred Cacao Ceremony, Salt-Making Rituals, Card Divination, Goddess Circles, Temple Meditation Journeys, Crystal Grid Healing, Hen Parties, Baby Showers, Couples Retreat Afternoons, and Mother and Daughter Journeys. These afternoons/evenings can all be tailor-made depending on group size as part of your retreat day.

Starting at £65 per person.

Minimum two persons.

Liberating your authentic self by releasing old patterns.

Within the depths of your soul lies the Akashic Records, a profound collection of your life's journey. These records hold the memories and encounters that have shaped you, across many lifetimes. Revered as sacred texts, they reside within the mystical Halls of Amenti, an ethereal realm bridging the gap between the soul and the physical and emotional planes.

By accessing your Akashic Records, you gain the power to guide your Higher Soul in collaboration with the Akashic Masters. Together, you can clear  these records of stagnant energies, and contracts that no longer serve your highest good. In doing so, you create space to inscribe the future you desire, paving the way for your true self to shine forth.

£68 40 mins to 1 hour 

Akashic Record Healing 

Ascended Master Thoth



Sandra, Wirral Uk

I've been a client of Charlene's for the past 15 years, she has supported me through so much, the birth of my daughter, the loss of my mum, and everything in between. Through each stage in my life I have received support, healings , activations and classes to assist in my growth and own healing journey,  Forever Grateful for her presence in not only mine but my family's lives.
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