Channeled message from the Sirian Star Temple.
We are here from the star systems far and wide , hidden in plain sight , our codes and wisdoms reside in your DNA , in your unique blue print, the veils of illusion are being lifted as we transcend and move into the golden age much will change , crumble and fall .. do not be distracted from the truth , your heart portal is your Christ consciousness you power comes from inside you not external from you… listen only to your own truth. Unity , connection and love is your true nature. Tune out from the distractions , separation and fear this is not the way of the universe.
We are one , eternally.
Many of us now are here to show you the way home , we are here to awaken , hold and activate your Christ light , your heart essence your divine voice.
For those worried if they are doing enough or on the right path , trust that returning to you heart is the greatest gift you can give to humanity true service is to your self , clearing the old , clearing the patterns , strengthening your own connection these ripples of light can be felt through the entire universe.
We are here
We are here
We are here